Sunday, March 6, 2011

A Dream come True

Once upon a time (this past Saturday), in a land far, far away (Albany, GA) two girls (that'd be me and my dear friend Christie) full-filled a dream that neither thought would actually become reality.  It's true.  There were days these beautiful girls doubted themselves, beat themselves up, gave up at times and said things like, "There is no way I will ever be able to do this." but that cloudy cold Friday afternoon came and with smiles on their faces and the top down (yes, cold does not prevent the fun to be had in a convertible), they headed to a little town three hours south of their homes, full of nervousness, and excitement about what the future would hold.

They had prepared for this day for many months.  They trained hard day in and day out.  They got up, got moving, through good days and bad, they did the work necessary to eventually accomplish a goal.  During this time, while they thought they were just training, what they failed to realize was that a very close relationship began to form.  These girls began to rely on each other, edify one another, counsel, encourage, pray, cry, laugh, and most of all, share the love of Christ with the other.  They were buffing the other to become a better individual and even if the day never came where the dream would be full-filled, just the time spent together was prize enough, but the morning did come.  It was finally here. They woke up early after listening the 3 different alarms go off, began to strap on their gear and again began to encourage the other through words and the action of just being along side the other with a silent promise that what was about to happen would not have to be done alone.

Moments later, they stood at the starting line with knots in their stomachs and anxiousness in their legs waiting for the gun shot. POW! and they were off.  The energy was blazing, the crowd was cheering, and the weather was still cool and cloudy but beautiful none the less.  They both took their first running strides towards the dream of finishing a half marathon.  Before the first mile marker, the rain started and Joy (that's me) began to pray, out loud, not only for the rain to subside but also for her and her sweet friend to have strength, endurance, safety, and just a great experience and the Lord certainly answered their prayers.  By mile 2 the rain was gone.  So quickly the mile markers seemed to pass and with each one was the humbling experience of United States Marines cheering them on.  They tried to express their gratitude to these selfless men and women for their service to our county as they passed the best they could, for they knew that without them on the front lines, they would not have to opportunity to full-fill this dream of theirs.  During their journey, they were surrounded with some of God's beautiful creations. Their favorite and most memorable were the huge trees with strong branches covered in spanish moss that created a canopy for them to run through.  Soon, mile 9, mile 10, and mile 11 were things of the past and mile 12 was fast approaching.  Christie (the dear sweet friend of Joy's) began to speak those encouraging words that Joy so desperately needed to hear at that time.  With each sweet word, Joy could feel her groggy stride become stronger and the serious, focused, cemented expression she carried on her face began to soften with a smile.  Christie pulled her through without even realizing it.  Then, there it was, mile 13!  Only 0.1 more miles to go.  The sound of the crowd grew, the finish line was in site and unrecognizable power grew in their legs.  Seconds later, almost side by side they crossed over the line of a dream becoming a reality.  Hands in the air, they gave high fives then flung their arms around the other.  They did it! They proved to themselves that the impossible can become possible and they had in themselves what it took to make it happen.

                                                    THE END!!!

Thank you to all of those who supported and prayed for me and Christie over this past weekend.  It was truly an amazing experience and we could not have done it with out you all.  We love you very much and may God bless you!



  1. Thanks for sharing the experience of the marathon! It's as close as I'll ever get!!

  2. I am so proud of you and Christi! I am thankful that God gave you someone to encourage and lift you up to accomplish such an amazing goal! :) I love you!
