Tuesday, April 5, 2011

It's GOooOD!

Snuggled up with my blanket and pillow on the couch while my hubby watched the rest of his show on t.v., I began to drift off to sleep.  In what seemed like seconds later, our house sounded like it was undergoing attack.  The wind swirled with fierce strength throwing branches and various bits of debris against our windows and in a flash Seth was on his feet.  "I think we need to get the girls and get down stairs."  Immediately I was up, running to Lila's room while he ran to Joci's but before we could get down the hall the front door blew open with a loud whoosh sending my adrenaline in over drive.  Seth flew down the stairs, pushed the door closed and was back up beside me before I even realized what he had done.  Trying to remain calm, I grabbed up my baby girl and met back up with Seth who had Joci wrapped in his arms and down the stairs we scurried to the basement.  My heart pounding and knees shaking, I wondered what to do next.  "Just sit on the couch, under this support beam."  Down I sat, thankful that Seth had answered my silent question.  With the girls beside me who were dazed and confused, our hero began to speak words of encouragement.  "Everything is going to be ok."  Ahhhh... sighing in relief, my body started to relax as well as my spirit.  I believed him.  I knew that as long as he was there with us, all was going to be ok.  After calling our son, who was at his grandparents with his cousins, and making sure he was safe, we rode out the storm and we WERE...ok.

Later that night, after the girls were back in their beds, sleeping soundly, Seth looked over at me and said, "You did good, baby."  In that moment he saw me as his Ezer Kenegdo, his help meet, his life saver.  I had been able to fulfill the role that God created me for and he did the same for me.  It felt wonderful.  Though we never said it out loud, we knew it would have been so much tougher to do all that needed to be done in that moment of crisis if not for the other hadn't been there.  This realization and appreciation for one another is becoming a common occurrence.  The Lord is doing amazing things in our marriage and I couldn't be more excited.  Looking back, I can see how this experience symbolizes many of the things we have endured and survived over the last couple of years but the great accomplishment is actually feeling and knowing that all was going to be ok this time.  No longer am I putting trust in myself but in the Lord and trusting that my husband is following the Lord's instructions.  So in the word's of Bruce Almighty..."It's GOooOD!!!"

Thank you Abba for the man you have placed me with.    

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