Friday, April 8, 2011


As the afternoon progressed into late evening my back began killing me, my eyes were burning, my hand was cramping, and my brain was fried.  I was exhausted.  No, I wasn't pulling a late night workout or cramming for an important test.  From 1:00 p.m. until somewhere around 11:30 (when I asked my husband to force me to bed) I was COUPONING, only breaking for dinner.  I know, sad right?  It started when I happened upon this show that takes you into the life of an "extreme" couponer.  These people spend hours upon hours at their computers hunting for deals and matching them up with coupons, digging through dumpsters searching for coupons, walking neighborhoods asking others for their unused coupons, planning each trip to the store with such a precise strategy then get to the register and have a debt that was only about 10% of their original bill.  It absolutely blew my mind.  I began to think of all the things my family could do and opportunities they could have if I could learn how to save this kind of money on our rising grocery, cars, recreational sports or events.  The possibilities just kept stacking up in my head.  I started getting excited to the point that the night before, I didn't sleep a wink.  Again, crazy, I know.

I'm not saying that I will be going dumpster diving anytime soon (although, if anyone wants to plan a trip, I'm down) ;-) but I am going to give this thing a try.  I do not fully expect to cut my grocery bill by 90% but even just a $50.00 savings a week would make a difference.  For me, the show gave hope to this sometimes guilty (when I have to tell my children no) stay at home mom and proved that with a little effort and planning, there are ways to save money.  It, too, can be a part of my "job" description and I am ok with that.

I go shopping tomorrow!  I have my coupons clipped, my list made, and my plan in place.  I will let you know how I fair.  Let's pray I don't bomb.

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