Monday, March 26, 2012


Imagine with me...

The Throne Room of God:

In the center of this place is a throne and seated upon it is One with the appeareance that can only be discribed as radiant, brilliant fire of jasper and ruby.  A rainbow of emerald encircles this Throne and surrounding it are twenty-four other thrones seated with twenty-four elders.  The elders are dressed in white and have golden crowns upon their heads. From the Throne come flashes of lightening and rumbling thunder.  Between the Throne and the elders are four living creatures; one like that of a lion, the second like that of an ox, the third like that of a man and the fourth like that of an eagle.  Each have six wings covered in eyes.  Day and night, they never stop saying, "Holy, holy, holy, is the Lord, God, Almighty, who was, who is, who is to come."  Before the Throne, seven lamps blaze with the fire of God's spirits.  A sea, like a sheet of glass, clear as crystal stretches out before these seven lamps. 

Power!  Great Power, there is no question!

Hebrews 4:16 says, "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need."

We are invited to this place...this amazing, powerful, beautiful place, and approach the throne of God.  What is it that you petition/desire most in prayer?  Imagine that you hold this petition in your hand.  Imagine that you are ushered into this throne room.  Imagine seeing the brilliance, hearing the words of the living creatures being chanted, and the One who sits on the throne motions to you to come before Him.  Your legs give way and you fall prostrate onto the sapphire floor.  With the voice of rushing waters, he says to you, "Son of Man, stand up..."  The Spirit comes into you and raises you to your feet.  "What is it that you bring?" He asks.  You almost forgot why you were here, wrapped up in all this glory, but He hasn't.  Looking down, you remember what it was that you desire the most to gain or release is still in your hand, waiting to be handed over to the Almighty.  Satan has no power here so the thoughts of, "This is stupid.  He doesn't care about this.  You can handle this on your own." are no longer ringing loud in your ear and all you can do, with confidence is give Him your petition.  With grace and mercy, His gentle hand takes it and with Him, His will, will be done with what you have asked.  With Him, it will be protected and with Him, it is now HIS, not yours.  Do you really want to take it back out of His hands?  His is powerful enough to keep it and do with it what is best for you.

This place is something we can only hardly imagine and visit only in Spirit during this life but is very real and waiting on you.  I think we often forget that this is where we are when we go to Him but let us now be reminded of the Throne room and trust in His power.

Lord, give us this confidence to come before you, releasing our petitions and trusting you to do with them what your will is, not ours.   

1 comment:

  1. Joy,

    This is such a beautiful description. Your writing continues to amaze me and I believe you need to seriously start considering writing a devotional book. God has anointed you with a special gift.
