Tuesday, June 21, 2011

There but not by choice

I snuggled into the couch with my boys at my side and started flipping through my dvr to see what we hadn't watched yet.  There were a few shows and some movies that were available but none interested me so I  went to the guide to do some channel surfing but Seth and Mack had spotted a movie on the dvr list that spiked their interest and I was over ruled.  So I hit the play button and we were off in the adventure of "Taken".  It's a thrilling movie about a man who's 17 year old daughter goes to Paris for the summer with her best friend.  Unbeknownst to the father due to the lying of teenagers, his daughter and her friend would be traveling alone; no adult supervision.  Very early on in the movie, the two young girls fall victim to a group of gang members who were in the business of trafficking  kidnapped girls as prostitutes. It was extremely horrifying to watch but at the same time, also very sad because this type of thing actually happens.

I have a small, (ok..ok actually rather large) soap box that I like to stand on when it comes to pornography, prostitution, or any type of darkness that people can find themselves in that is closely related to these things.  Most often we focus and worry about those who get sucked into this world as a passenger and rarely approach those who are "in the business" due to the false thinking that they are there by choice.  The truth is there are so many situation where these girls (and sometimes boys) are bought/sold/forced into a lifestyle that uses them as sex objects.  Even to the viewers, they are not honored as real people; one of God's creations.  They are torn down and told they are only good for one thing and then made to feel that it is the truth when buyers come along and prove once again that they only want sex from them.  It honestly breaks my heart.  Now the other half of this "industry" consists of those who are "willing participants" but is that honestly the case?  No, someone did not force them to be where they are.  No one has kidnapped them into sex slavery but they are indeed enslaved by the enemy.  They too are buying into the lies that they are not worth anything but only good for one thing.  They have suffered injuries and endured wounds that allowed these lies to manifest in their minds and become their reality.  They possibly were victims of rape, molestation, or any other kind of sexual abuse when they were just innocent little children.  Think about it, no little girl or boy says, "I want to be a porn star or prostitute when I grow up."  Something destroyed their little dreams along the way and threw them into the pits of hell.  They have no clue of how to get out and I have not offered my help.  Instead I have judged, cursed, and ignored these lost precious ones without thinking twice and many others have bought, watched, and lustfully looked on as they perform their acts.  However, we are both guilty of keeping this "industry" alive.

I petition all of you to pray with me to destroy this evil cloud of darkness.  That God give us all opportunities to share His love in some way and help deliver these lost ones out.  With the porn industry alone bringing in millions upon millions of dollars, it may sound impossible but with our Savior, he tells us that NOTHING is impossible.  If you have ever been in a place where you felt so entangled and trapped with out any hope of getting out, knowing it was not of the Lord but unsure on how to leave until God sent someone to come along side you, guide you, help you fight and win the victory; you know it is possible.  I do.  I have been in a similar place.  Thankfully it did not lead me down the road of selling myself but it was a dark road, none the less and God in his mercy and love sent many to help save me and I am forever thankful.  This is the very thing others are looking for and we should willingly give.  So, again, just start with a prayer.  Please join me in this fight.  God can and will do amazing things.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post! If you're interested, check out Victoria's Friends. This is a group that ministers to some of the strippers in the clubs in downtown Atlanta. I have a client that is the volunteer coordinator and can probably get you more info if you'd like.
