Monday, June 13, 2011

He doesn't get it

An eight hour drive with two little ones and a teenager followed by two hours of grocery shopping at the busiest Kroger in the world can certainly take it out of a mom.  Needless to say, excitement rose in my spirit when I met the sun the following morning, eating breakfast on the porch of my uncle's beach house.  I was all alone and the only sound filling my ears was that of the ocean waves hitting the shore and there the Lord started to draw me into our time with Him.  Ready for conversation to start, I strapped on my running shoes and nudged my sleeping husband awake to let him know I would soon be out the door.  As he stumbled out of bed, I urged him to sleep in.  The kids where still asleep and he was more than welcome to take "a break" as well.  Through his grogginess he grumbled, "You could take a break too, you know.  You don't HAVE to go running."  It was then that I realized, he just doesn't get it and so I felt the need to explain.  "Running or any kind of exercise for that matter, is my "break".  While it does have it's physical benefits, it is all for my mental restoration.  It is the only time when my mind goes blank and God can actually get some conversation in.  Any other time, he has to listen to me blab.  Even when I am working out with other people, God still finds a way into our conversations and is able to talk through them directly to my heart.  It is a true time of worship.  It is OUR time to work on our relationship.  So my dear, this is my break." I said.  With an understanding nod from Seth I was off.  I carefully made my way through the dry sand so as to get a minimal amount in my shoes until I made it to the compacted path, and started my stride.  I was in good company with many other like minded runners, who I can only assume "get it".  It was glorious, but absolutely not for the weak.  Running in the sand, dry or damp, is tough, tougher than I had remembered and during my struggle, I was crying out to the Lord for endurance and strength.  If he didn't give it to me, I certainly was not going to make it.  Right when I was about to give up and walk the rest of the way, I received what I had been asking for.  My whines finally fell silent and my Abba was able to love on me and I on him.  It was the same experience that I normally always have yet it feels new every time and I am so thankful and amazed by it.

I do guard this time with a passion, which may come across as me being obsessed with exercise or my body but it truly is a worshipful experience for me.  With every goal that I reach, with every new thing that I find my physical body can do, I give all the glory to HIM.  It is amazing to me that he is using the time that I devote to him to prove to me that I am capable of things I never dreamed of doing.  I suppose he sees it as we parents do when we spend time with our children, teaching them something or doing what they enjoy, celebrating in their accomplishments and though they may think we are just there spending time with them, we are actually enjoying showing them their true potential thus growing our relationship with them.  During these times with our kids, conversations take place, vulnerability happens and trust builds.  It is exactly what is happening with me and the Lord.  How cool is that?!?

Glory to my Abba!  The best dad EVER!

1 comment:

  1. Love this blog. Now I "get" it. When I was walling on the treadmill, that was my prayer time. There's incentive to get back on that darn machine!
