Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is God Personally Invested?

There's a YouTube video traveling around the internet that made me stop and think.  It starts out with a middle aged man in a hurry to get to work.  As he backs out of his driveway, he almost runs over his neighbor's kid, stuck in traffic, he annoyingly mumbles accusations towards other drivers, he gets irritated with the people at the coffee shop who are taking their time to get his get the idea. So he sits down at a table to wait on his coffee when a man comes over, hands him a pair of glasses and walks away.  Confused the gentlemen puts on the glasses and can suddenly see all the afflictions and feelings of those around him.  The woman sitting on the couch is moarning the loss of her friend, the man in the corner is struggling with addiction, one of the coffee house employees is stressing about how to feed his family on such little pay and so on.  By the end of the video, the man has realized that he was so focused on himself and staying to himself that the ones around him feel abandoned and alone; and possibly he too feels that way but no one has ever stopped to ask how he was doing nor has he taken the time to do that for another. 

Just recently, while talking with a friend, he spoke words that hit pretty hard.  He said, "I know there is a God, and I believe in Jesus Christ but I just don't think he is personally invested in me.  I don't think he really cares about me personally."  It was heart breaking to hear but it made me question too, "Does God care about me?"  After some prayer, God gave me this answer to give to my friend and also set the record straight with me.  These were the Lord's words to me.  "Those times when your heart breaks over another, those times when you have a longing to reach across the aisle and give a stranger a hug, those times you just have a desire to call a friend and talk...those are my feelings.  Those desires are my desires.  It is me inside of you that is hurting because someone's heart has been broken; it is me that wants to give one of my children a hug; it is me that just wants to talk to the friend you call to check in on.  All of those feelings inside of you have been placed there by me so that my children will know that I am a God that is personally invested."  WOW!!!

There was a saying told to me when I was child that is being brought to my mind now as I write, it goes, "You may be the only Christ some one will ever see or meet."  We are so often stopped by the enemy with fear or insecurites to reach out to others that we just close ourselves off from the world and we end up missing so many opportunities to be Christ to others or even have Christ's love shown to us.  Satan tells us that we are safer in our little boxes, away from getting hurt, or judged but by believing his lies, we are actually just driving the nails in our own coffin unable to feel anything...even love.  God created us to be in relationships, to long for relationships, to long to be in a relationship with Him and sometimes the only way we know He actually loves us is to hear it from someone tangible.  Be that someone.  Show His love so that others may know just how personally invested He actually is, because he really is.  He really does know who you are; nothing you do escapes his sight; he loves you more than you can even fathom; when you are hurting, he is hurting; when you are overjoyed, he too, is overjoyed; and when you long to reach out and love on another, he is longing to do that as well. 

Our God is real.  He is invested and He cares.


  1. Wow! That's beautiful! Thank you! You have been Jesus to me more times than I can count! Love you!

  2. Wonderful blog! I am so guilty! Satan has been shown the door and got his butt kicked on the way out!

  3. I should have read this a long time ago, But I needed it today, Thank you!
