Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Rain

There was an elderly woman whom I had the pleasure of knowing and with fond memory, I recall her saying on many occasions, "We complain when it rains, and we complain when it doesn't."  Well today, I have found myself complaining that it is, for the third day in a row now, in fact raining and quite frankly, I am over it!!!  I could never be one to inhabit the city of Seattle where it's popularly known for its large amount of rainy days and grey atmosphere.  (I say watch God move me there.)  Don't get me wrong, I enjoy a thunder storm just as much as the next person but typically, they tend to pass within hours and we can get back to enjoying the sun...even if it does bring humidity.  Continual rain, day after day after day can quickly cause me to slip into a form of laziness and just a feeling of "blah".  I'm an active girl, constantly busy and sometimes the rain forces me to stay put, rest, and just remain still.  I'm not always a big fan of that for long periods of time.

So, as I stood on my covered porch, reluctant to step off, away from shelter, to go and escort my daugher home from the bus stop, I did not hesitate to utter another complaint, "Jesus! Really!  Won't you make this rain stop already."  This time, He did not remain quiet.  "My child, do you not think I know best when it comes to what my creation needs.  As the earth soaks up every last drop in preparation for the dry months, likewise your soul should soak up my love.  There will be days when you long for the rain to cool a hot day but the earth will be sustained and still bring forth a harvest.  Take note, dear one.  The earth obeys my commands thus able to bear fruit in the driest of days.  It does so because I supplied it with the means to do so and it drank deep as it was told.  Store up for yourself treasures in heaven and when all around you feels dry and weary, you too will still be able to bear fruit." 

When in preparation for the dry days, may I have the compliancy of Earth and soak up all the love Christ pours out so that when circumstances leave me rung tight and dehydrated, I can sustain on the His thirst quenching love and bear fruit according to His will.  Thank you Jesus for this powerful lesson on a rainy day.